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Registration expires 60 days

Posted: Fri Jun 08, 2007 3:49 pm
by edsz31
ok, Im a new-bee.
I was going to do some tuning, But the Nistune program will not open it says Registration expires 60 days.
What is the correct fix. I would like to save my maps ect.
Thanks Ed.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:11 am
by GZ@hybridka
Install the latest version of the Nistune software, it is constantly being updated. I assume the 60 day expiration is to keep users up to date, and probably to help discourage hackers.

You will keep your current .bin file (contains all of your modifications, maps etc.).

If your previous .adr file does not work with the newer release, contact Matt for the correct version.

Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 12:35 pm
by Matt
NIStune has been hacked twice so far.... and security hasn't been implemented completely in it. The expiry is exactly for that at this stage until I start scrambing code and things like that to stop it appearing on bittorent etc

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 1:29 am
by Matt
there is a warning now which will indicate that expiry is pending within about 10 days notice

also i've added a better description for these type of messages for what to do....

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:17 pm
by Firehawk
This feature will not work for me. It happened today, WHEN I WAS GOING TO TUNE A CUSTOMERS CAR WHO HAD AN APPOINTMENT and needless to say I am pissed!!! I also travel, and will tune others and my car, etc and will not always be near an internet connection. Sorry, but my tuning software MUST be reliable.

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 8:39 pm
by Matt
The NIStune software as stated on our website is still in development. As per our registration email, the software has an expiry period on it, to ensure that you are using the latest version (especially when reporting problems)

When new changes and bugfixes are implemented, I regression test as much functionality as possible so existing functionality isn't affected. But sometimes bugs do find their way in so I fix those asap

However the expiry period is obviously a problem in these situations. This is planned to be removed in version 1.0 altogether when the software is no longer in beta form

What has happened is that the NIStune registration for 0.90119 expired last week. Before this occured, there was a newer version from 0.91 available

From 0.91 onwards we now have a warning on expiry, indicating days remaining (from 10 days) so you have prior warning of expiry. Given previous awareness of this problem.

However what I am going to do in addition for workshop licenses, given this problem, is provide Non-Expiry versions via email. This will be seen in the version number as 0.xxxxNE

Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 12:24 am
by Matt
next version will be 90 days expiry.... plus 20 days warning notice prior to expiry

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 12:03 am
by Matt
This has been updated to give you 9 more usages after expiry.

This is because we have users who may not have used nistune for a while and are getting expired software messages and unable to tune....

So to avoid this situation occuring again next version 0.9111 will have some extra retries to avoid frustration with expring when you really need it