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Highlight cell selected cell in Fuel map on the AFR TraceTOO

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:20 am
by modulation
I spend probably 60% my time in nistune looking at a cell on the AFR 3d trace and then trying to find the same cell in the fuel map. This isn't too hard, just look at where the load # and RPM intersect.

However it would be so freaking awesome if I could turn on a option that when I select a cell on the fuel map it highlights the same cell in the AFR 3d trace map, and the other way around. It would save me so much time and brain power.

If I'm tuning the wrong way or something and there is a better way let me know, but I would think this would be a very awesome feature that alot of people would find useful and time-saving.

Re: Highlight cell selected cell in Fuel map on the AFR TraceTOO

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 11:15 am
by Matt
that one shouldnt be too difficult to implement. i'll put it on the list for next build

Re: Highlight cell selected cell in Fuel map on the AFR Trac

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:54 am
by Matt
Has been complemented. Closed out