Timing going to 15btdc during warm up?

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Timing going to 15btdc during warm up?

Post by Stinky »

Matt or anyone who has some experience with the ecu code. I've noticed that on both my 88 Z31 ecu and my 92 M30 ecu there seems to be a point during warmup where the timing goes to 15 degrees for a certain range of temps. Once the car goes above a certain temp the timing comes back to normal. This is mostly when doing light load and lower rpms. My guess is that its something related to the egr or warming up the cat. Either way its annoying and I'd like to know if this is something thats contained in the code and if it can be cancelled. Any experience with this? Have you ever noticed it on your own cars? I'm checking the timing with Consult on both ecus.
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Post by Matt »

there is a timing vs temp map there. i thought i had it in the address file. this will set the base timing dependent on temperature. that is the only one i know of
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Post by Stinky »

Yeah I'm aware of that one. Whatever is going on seems to be independant of any of the warmup maps ive seen. It doesnt work like the warm up maps where it adds X amount of timing. It basically sets the timing to 15 regardless of the rpm/tp thats on the timing map. Very odd but Ive encountered it now with two different ecus and sets of code so I feel its at least something nissan designed into the ecu. Nothing else shows anything out of the ordinary when it happens and I've heard reports from many other people of the same thing happening. Just keep it in the back of you mind if you happen to run across anything that might shed some light on whats happening.
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