Zeitronix Support Added

Anything related to the Zeitronix brand of wideband devices.

Moderator: Matt

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Post by Matt »

I've been looking over the zeitronix connection issues on several machines over december. I cant seem to repeat them on the bench ... in order to try and fix them

So I ended up leaving this issue alone for now unless it is still a problem for someone and I need to look into it again

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Post by J30_VG33ET »

Turns out I've been having some connectivity problems too, with both the NIStune and Zeitronix. I tried re-installing the FDTI drivers, unplugging and replugging the USB cables, trying different cables, etc. Usually after 10-15 minutes of fiddling and rebooting the laptop it connects. Once connected, everything is good. Weird.

WRT Zeitronix interfacing with NIStune, there are a number of outputs getting correctly logged by NIStune, though the labeling is off. AFR is typically correctly identified in logging mode, but EGT(aux2), MAP(aux3), TPS(aux4), and RPM(aux5) just show up with the aux prefix. Is there a way to have the labels, and scales come up? I tried modifying the .csv files with no luck. Maybe you could add an example of how to work with these types of inputs in:
C:\Program Files\NIStune\Wideband\readme.txt

Lastly, it'd be nice to adjust the number of significant digits on the display of these items. AFR is being truncated to an integer, while RPM gets two floats. The log file seems to be getting at least one sig-fig on the AFR...
Split Log View titles.png
Zeitronix input names.
(93.71 KiB) Downloaded 7428 times
aux scales.png
Zeitronix aux .csv files.
(74.14 KiB) Downloaded 7428 times
Log with Zeitronix data.
(58.18 KiB) Downloaded 843 times
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Post by Matt »

thanks for the pictures. got the email in my inbox still to go through. i should be able to rename the Aux back to whats in your current wideband folder, and reassign the min/max values for those ranges

have to look into the digits being lost however, some rounding must be occuring
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Post by Matt »

fixed in latest version.

WRT communications issues, please try and use consult on COM port rather than auto detect as it can screw up the zeitronix connection later on. let me know how it goes. i've still got an action open in the buglist (uploaded tonight latest list) but just cant repeat it enough to fix it :?

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Re: Zeitronix Support Added

Post by slimtom »

I have ZT-4 - dual Zeitronix wideband. As it uses one device for two wideband sensors - and when I connect it to Nistune- I can select only one COM port - there is no possibility to see both wideband sensors at the same time. Only one by one.
If I use left wideband display in Nistune, I read correct values for left side, but I have to disable left side and activate right side - and also right side wideband displays correct values. I know values are correct because I also use ZT-4 Zeitronix gauge.

Can this be fixed somehow so I can activate reading of both sides, at the same time and but on the same COM port ?
What if I use Com port splitter cable and yet another COM port/USB adapter?
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Re: Zeitronix Support Added

Post by Matt »

That last post was 11 years ago when the support was added for the Zeitronix units back then. I'm not aware of this unit, but it sounds like the protocol has been updated to add a second AFR to the device

I would need a copy of the updated protocol to add support so it. Do you know if this is available?

The second COM port (WB2) is for a complete separate unit

One option you have is using one of the AUX inputs (put the WB2 input into it) and the CSV lookup table to convert to AFR

It won't be a separate channel on the WB display but show up as AUX WB2 if that makes sense

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Re: Zeitronix Support Added

Post by slimtom »

I can monitor left AFR and I can monitor right AFR, but not at the same time. So protocol is ok, just if would be possible to monitor both at the same time?
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Re: Zeitronix Support Added

Post by Matt »

If your Zeitronix has a 0-5V output for the second AFR, then can you feed that into one of the Auxillary inputs? This will then allow you to view LHS and then RHS (as AUX1)

Nistune has two files Aux1.csv and Aux6.csv which can be configured with 0000-5000mV range with AFRs matching the range

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Re: Zeitronix Support Added

Post by slimtom »

What AFR sensors/electronics for dual display is preferred? Which product can display left and right lambda at the same time in Nistune - so I can use it?
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Re: Zeitronix Support Added

Post by Matt »

You can just about plug any of the units we support (apart from maybe PLX) into Nistune and we will pick up both input streams and display them

Innovate have built in chaining and the LM2 accepts twin O2 inputs, but that is not a gauge unit. Innovate do gauge units, and you can daisy chain those together (with the correct cables - which look like stereo 3.5mm plugs). Zeitronix you might be able to but I've not gone one here to try out (I use a simulator for development)
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